Trivia 2008 Newsletter
Greetings Esteemed Trivia Colleagues!
So the time of trivia is bearing in on us. It’s only something like a week now. Next week at this time I’ll probably be deconstructing a float and frantically trying to finalize the plans for the one we will have to deliver in a day. It’s crazy to think about as I’m sitting here in front of my computer in my underwear. SO! I took today off to devote it to the trivia cause. While that wasn’t the plan at 8:45 this morning when I emerged from the shower and decided to go back to bed… I like what it’s become. I think it was Andrew Jackson who said, “The best plans are those which we didn’t plan at all.” He was a pretty smart guy. So here I am, trotting around the apartment in my underwear, drinking coffee, and sitting in a sunray from my window. What a great day to write a trivia letter. Don’t worry Alec, I didn’t go into your room… for too long.
First things first. Last night at seminar, as the lecturer was talking about penile implants and incontinence mechanical devices, he said, “Every good idea has its champion.” I’m still trying to figure that one out. Ideas? So the trivia movie is this weekend… I haven’t seen anyone reply in the forum yet to Dan’s inquisition. So.. Anyone going? Here’s the skinny. I don’t know if anyone was able to find it online; However, even if we did, OZ, being the tricky bastard he is has been known to change the movie last minute. So basically Davy, we’re hoping you’ll go… you can take Maia too. She just told me that she really really wanted to go to a trivia movie with you at midnight. Worst case scenario is you go and sit/sleep through possibly the worst movie you’ve ever seen. Best case… you take notes on a totally different movie than we expected and enjoy yourself. There ya go.
Dan’s dad agreed to enlist us in the competition on Monday and distribute the trivia pictures again. Thanks Randy. The name we went with this year is.. “The Norwigan Studs.” The 85Omni is optional. Basically, it became a political/marketing issue when our sister team, “Norwigan Studs: Missouri Edition,” registered. Personally, I love it. What a flattering gesture. And I’ll only say this once, It’s great to have the Phelpses playing remotely. That said, we had to protect our image as the founding team, so we went with the short and sweet version, sans colon. I hope it becomes competitive and those MO kids can show us a good time. Good luck boys (and girls). May the better team place higher.
Alec has taken care of our team t-shirts this year. I just got an email from him which said he just placed the order, but if you’re quick like a rabbit, you can probably sneak another shirt in there if you talk to him. Word on the street is that they aren’t going to be made from see-through Chinese cotton this year… what a treat! Personally, I love pulling on past trivia shirts, since no others are able to define my navel quite so well. Thanks, Alec. They do also boast a new redesigned logo (thanks Kate) that’s sure to knock your socks off, professionally silk screened on. Thanks Dan. We’re getting old!
Stefan, Dan, Ivy, and Alec have been working diligently this year on a new super-top-secret tool named EMAOZ, which will allow us to send Team Thicko back to the stone ages. OH! I forgot to mention we also got another arch nemesis rival team forever… Festivas for the Rest of us. This is Alexis’s team (ErikR’s ladyfriend) and they are gonna get it Norwigan Style. So I know it’s starting to get confusing for you, with all these rival names thrown around, so in proper AFL-CIO style, I have created a table outlining the proper place to invest your team rivalry.
An honorable mention, “Hold me closer Tony Danza” was considered, but omitted due to its instability. Kinda like Chechnya. If you need any more clarification on this topic, please talk to Meaple.
Speaking of which, Meaple, word on the street is Shaina Dee is flying in to Madison for trivia this year… could you go pick her up? Flying in from… Ohio? We’re excited as always to welcome in people from afar. Lisa W00 I heard is also coming into town for trivia… she lives in DC now, so she might just steal that Exit 238B award for traveling the farthest to trivia. Well, her and her baby!
Meaple, have you been coercing the contest answers from the sweaty palms of those Thickodians yet? The shipments of Ballz should be coming in soon, I’m sure plenty of people are excited about those. Well, that and the Tab Energy Drink. If you could also be our Studs Photographer again this year, that would be wonderful. We rely on you as always. Thanks Meaple.
So, pleasantries aside, it’s time to get into the Nitty Gritty of the contest. Our float this year is a pretty exciting idea… It’s gonna be ginormous! I’ll happen to be driving the bus back to town for the contest, but I’m not sure if that’s going to be in the parade or not. It will be available. I expect that we’ll start float building on Thursday morning, however, if someone wants to get started earlier, perhaps Davy can help pull out the float then. I’d like to have costumes for everyone in the float this year, but past experience has shown that costumes tend to be… well, expensive. Costume ideas related to a naval theme are always a good idea. I’m hoping that Trisha and Heather will be willing to tout their stuff in the parade again this year, as well as any other ladies who wish to participate… Shaina? For the record, it should be known that whenever we have completed the parade with ladies handing out candy, we have placed. That said, for those project savvy amongst you, I have outlined the trivia timeline.
Sad, I know. As you’ve noticed, I have built in time for us to collect our parade prizes into the project. I’m hoping that confidence like that will actually help us do better. We’ll see, hehe.
Ivy and Dan have been working on a new and improved StudsNOC information system, which should make it easier for everyone to be IMing instead of playing. Who can forget about the food? We’ll probably go shopping on Friday Night, if you have any special requests. No need to request the Tab though, it’s gonna happen.
I thought it worked well last year taking our team photo on Sunday afternoon… about 6, or whenever that half hour break is where they read off the team names and scores. It was nice to have people there who can’t usually be around when the contest ends at midnight. I thought the picture turned out well. I’ve attached it below cause I’m so proud of it.
Good Stuff. Wayne, that talkie-walkie holster still has your name on it. And Wayne, I’m glad you were still able to work in the one-eyed trout into this picture. Thanks Waynes.
I think that’s about all I have to say for now. Wayne! Don’t let me forget to haul out the guestbook this year so that everyone who drops by can sign it! Also, I’m going to keep better track of trivia expenses this year, so if you spend anything on trivia stuff, even if you aren’t looking to get anything back, let me know so I can put you on the donor list. I’d like to give the several people who spend way more than $20 on trivia their due recognition. As always, you can complain about the cost of trivia to
Kind Regards,